We’ve got a few of the legendary “beermetal” tees printed up! Which means you can now get yourself one from here! $30 gets you one mailed to anywhere in Australia so check out the SHOP page and you too can look sharp for the summer!
28/08/2018: BACK IN THE SADDLE
Ok, we’ve been a bit quiet of late but we’ve got some great new songs to play for you guys and a new batch of our classic “Beer Metal” shirts coming in the next week or so, so if yours is looking a little faded or you never got one when they first came out your chance will be soon! Also got our first gig back with “Clarity of Chaos” at the basement on the 4th Oct so mark that one if your diaries!
Also we’ve been updating the video library on this site so you’ll have more steaming… (I meant streaming) ROT to watch!
Well…. It’s been a big few months for us here at beermetal central… we did the Venom Inc gig and it went really well, played some cool local shows and then got the call up to open for German thrash legends DESTRUCTION which we also had a great time at as well! Now we’re gonna take some time off and get working on some new material and focus on the business end of things a little (tho I’m sure something will come up in the way of gigs in the near future) so keep and ear to the ground on this website!
*** Also gonna start searching for old posters/flyers to chuck up here in our new Poster Gallery Check it out!!!
We’re honoured to announce that we’ll be the opening band for the almighty Venom Inc, on the Canberra leg of their Australian Tour VENOM INC features Mantas and Abbadon from the original Venom line up and the legendary Tony “Demolition Man” Dolan from the mid 80s-early 90’s line up of Venom, and have of course influenced almost all extreme metal bands to this day…. Its all happening at the Basement on the 22nd Feb w/ Desecrator as the main support! Check out the FB LINK for more info!

26/12/2017: NEXT GIG
Seems we’ve been a little on the slack side with our web updating but we’ll get on it more often now as we got more stuff to talk about coming up… the first of which is a gig with ace American thrashers LICH KING at the basement on the 8th of Feb w/ Hidden Intent and Terravorous! Promises to be Thrashtacular! Check out the FB LINK for more info!

Gigs seem to be coming in regularly now and we’ve been working behind the scenes on re-mastering our old ‘scavenging the dead’ demo tape from 1998, not sure when it will be finished or what we’ll do with it once it is finished… but it will be nice to hear it again with a bit of a polish up! But for the long time followers of the band keep checking back here for more info!
5/6/2017: CANBERRA GIG:
Glad to announce we’ve locked in a gig at the our old stomping ground the Basement in Canberra…. it will be a huge lineup featuring ourselves, Inebriator, Chud, and heaps more! It will be an awesome night of local and interstate bands, so make sure you make it along if you can on Friday the 28th July!

26/5/2017: SYDNEY GIG:
We’ve locked in a Sydney gig with our old mates in Black Reign, Hazmat and new thrash metal sensations Thrash Bandicoot its all happening at the Valve Bar on George St. on the 30th June! Be there! Facebook event page HERE

25/5/2017: BEER TASTING:
As anyone would know that reads this site, we’re playing our first gig back at heathen fest in Moyura on the 3rd June (right near Batemans Bay) if anyone’s keen to catch up with us before the show we’ll be there at 4pm for a tasting of our new beer…. The “BACONATOR” and we’re happy to chat beer and or metal…. HOP DOG Brewery in Nowra is also doing a tasting the next day from 11am – 3pm of our beer and other new lines they have coming up soon too! (and you never know who might turn up 😉 )
Ok we’ve got the beer one step closer to completion and should be ready by the time we start playing gigs again (there was no point having a beer ready and nowhere to sell it) We’ve got a whole series of things planned to make this huge aside from the gigs we’ve got beer tastings and we’ll work out a list of outlets where you can buy the beer over the bar and in bottle shops! So stay tuned!
1/04/2017: FIRST GIG BACK!
We’ve got our first gig back in action at the Waterfront Hotel down in Moyura, Near Batemans Bay! Will be going under the moniker of Heathenfest and besides our selves will feature Black Mountain, Inhuman Remanants, Inebriator and heaps more! Will be a rippin night full of beer drinking and metal

A few things have been happening behind the scenes and one of them is a joint venture between our selves and HOP DOG Brewery in Nowra (Australia) We’ve got the go ahead for a unique beer that we think sums up the band and our music and just waiting for a prototype of the beer to happen and production will start. Hop Dog is a well respected brewery and you know the beer will be awesome!
We’re working on package where you get a few beers and a Reign of Terror album “Tormentor of Lost Souls” before it gets released anywhere! Check ou their facebook page and give em a like to stay updated, or keep checking back here (or do both) HOP DOG FACEBOOK PAGE

02/01/2017: SOCIAL MEDIA
We’re just taking stock of all the social media accounts we have and you can hook up to the band accounts on the menu below the main header…. (We should point out that facebook is the only one we maintain regularly…. as life is for rockin’ and drinking… not constantly updating social media but we’ll get back to you either way on all of them at somepoint) but if you want to follow the individual members of ROT here are the links:
KRIS: Facebook
REGGAE: Facebook | Instagram
DANNY: Facebook
31/12/2016: SITE LIVE AGAIN
OK, we got the site up and running again after a while off the air…. we’ve been jamming again and have some killer new songs which we’ve recording demo’s of, and we’re almost ready to take the stage again! 2017 should be a big return to form for Reign of Terror so keep your ears open for more developments and keep checking back with this website!